Inter Care’s mission: to save lives and alleviate suffering through the provision of surplus medical resources to rural partner health units in sub-Saharan Africa.
Craig recently joined Alan – an Inter Care trustee since 2004 and Chair since 2009 – along with his friends, Eric and Mike, for Inter Care’s Leicestershire Charity Golf Day at Forest Hill. They finished 6th out of 10 teams on 96 points, with the competition won by Leicester based company, Office Printing Solutions on 107 points. It goes without saying that it was a close round! Everyone enjoyed a fantastic day of golf, with some great weather followed by the Inter Care raffle.
Inter Care were able to raise a massive £1,725 to support their excellent work. Thank you for being able to organise a wonderful day, and a big well done to everyone involved for supporting this great cause. GoGo Marketing has supported Inter Care’s charity golf day every year and we look forward to joining them again next year!